Nutritional question?
Click here to ask any questions regarding nutrition . It's best to send an mail [email protected] so that our nutritionists have all the relevant information to give the best advice.
Pavo Horse Feed
Hoofdstraat 4
6598 AD Heijen
General questions
Can I do a work placement at Pavo?
Pavo has a number of traineeships available every year. These are meant for students of Hall Larenstein, Stoas Hogeschool Dronten, HAN Nijmegen or other suitable HBO courses. Internships are available in the Product Development, Marketing & Communication, Customer Service and Export departments, amongst others. If you think you can make a positive contribution to Pavo in another way, you can of course always indicate this. An internship at Pavo preferably lasts 20 weeks and it is important that you live within travelling distance of Heijen (North Limburg) during the internship. Are you interested in a traineeship at Pavo? Then please send an e-mail regarding your interest and the details of your education to E-mail: [email protected]
Can Pavo sponsor?
Pavo receives very many sponsorship requests, as many as 10 a week. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to every request. Pavo has a fixed sponsorship budget per year which is divided between athletes, events and charities. Pavo has a number of regular partners in sport, in addition to which no individual athletes are sponsored. At small-scale events, however, there are opportunities for in-kind sponsorship.
Is Pavo committed to sustainable and responsible business practices?
Pavo is part of ForFarmers. ForFarmers produces animal feed at many locations worldwide. Sustainable entrepreneurship is an important theme for ForFarmers and its stakeholders. On the ForFarmers website you can read more about sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship.
I have a complaint/comment about my feed, what can I do?
Of course the quality of our feed should be excellent. It should not contain any foreign raw materials or objects. However, horse feed remains a natural product in which we want to incorporate as many natural ingredients as possible. Via our track & trace system we can find out exactly when the feed was produced. If you notice a deviation in our feed, please help us by telling us the name of the product, where you bought it and the production code and THT date (Best before date). The production code and THT date can be found on the side of the packaging. Of course, photos also help us to make a better analysis. You can send the above information to [email protected]. We will contact you as soon as possible to find a suitable solution.
Do you have another question? Our customer service team are ready for you!