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28 May 2023 Reading time 0 minutes00:00:14

Funky Fred's retirement

The 18-year-old stallion achieved several high placings in international show jumping under Ehning. Remarkably, Ehning has ridden both Frunky's sire For Pleasure and his dam Panama at a high level in show jumping.

Ehning says, "Funky always gives his best in the course. No matter how high or difficult the course is, I can always imagine him riding into the ring with a good feeling."

Horse groom Mel also raves about the chestnut stallion, "Funky Fred is a special horse. He's always waiting to come along to the shows. When I prepare the truck and drive up, he does his best to get my attention so he can come along. He is very sweet to handle. You can leave him in the middle of the arena and walk away, and he will wait patiently in his spot until you come back, even if there are other horses running around. But once he's in parkour, he's on fire.

Funky Fred is a successful horse from Ehning's own breeding. Consequently, he also grew up with Pavo horse feed. During his jumping career, he was fed Pavo SportsFit, an oil-based sports muesli.

He also got Pavo E'lyte, the electrolyte supplement, when needed and Pavo Mobility to support healthy joints.
With the great management, feed and training, the 18-year-old stallion was able to have an impressive athletic career. We wish him a wonderful retirement and will of course support him in the future with our senior muesli if needed.

Picture source: Funky Fred - Hengst - Landgestüt Warendorf NRW