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20 July 2023 Reading time 1 minutes

Sponsor rider Jamila Berg prepares for World Championships

Pavo sponsor rider, Jamila Berg, represents her country Sweden at the World Championships for Icelandic horses. The event is scheduled from 8-13 August in Oirschot, the Netherlands. The rider is now busy with her final preparations to appear as good as possible right from the start.

The fox-spotted Toppur fra Audholtshjaleigu, the horse with which Berg appears at the start, has a striking appearance. The approved stallion already has many victories to his name, including 4 gold medals from the Swedish championship. "Toppur has a fantastic character in every way!", says Berg.

Jamila indicates that it is especially important to keep Toppur fresh and healthy during the last period before the World Championships. "In the training sessions, we mainly work on the details. I myself am always quite calm at competitions and not nervous or stressed. I think our strongest point is that we really do form a team, we know each other inside out. For the world championships, I think the most important thing is that we have fun and can, therefore, achieve good results."

Nutrition plays an important role in the preparation for the championship. "With Pavo I have finally found a feed that contains enough vitamins and minerals for my horse. They also have a very wide range so that I can actually find something for every horse that suits their needs."

Toppur is currently getting Pavo Performance, a kibble for horses that need to perform at a high level, and the oil-rich sports muesli Pavo Sportsfit. In addition, he gets the roughage mix Pavo DailyPlus so he can enjoy his meal for even longer, and Pavo LinseedOil which ensures a healthy and shiny coat. Toppur also receives these products during the world championships. "I'll supplement this with the Pavo SlobberMash to make sure there is enough moisture."

Pavo is also present with a stand during the World Championships. The stand has everything needed for feeding Icelandic horses.

You can find out more about the World Championships for Icelandic horses at: https://www.wc2023.nl