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14 February 2024 Reading time 1 minutes

A lot of new knowledge gained during KAP veterinary meetings

Together with the Animal Health Service (GD) and Virbac, Pavo organized the Clinical Evenings for Horses (KAP) on 6 and 8 February: the annual refresher training moment for equine veterinarians. In total, more than 160 Dutch and Belgian equine veterinarians participated, of which about a quarter followed the program via livestream.

The KAP took place at two beautiful locations. On 6 February, the EFMCenter in Moergestel opened its doors and two days later the vets were able to visit the Fletcher Hotel Epe-Zwolle with a visit to Stal Blom Hulsman in Heerde. For those who were unable to attend, there was also the possibility to follow it via livestream on the second evening.  This was to give as many veterinarians as possible the opportunity to gain new knowledge.

Thanks to the long-standing collaboration between the GD, Virbac and Pavo, a great program was offered with prominent speakers on current and innovative topics within the field. For example, Dr. Veronique Swagemakers talked about the guidance of sport horses and rehabilitation on the basis of illustrative cases through practice. Subsequently, Dr Paulien van der Graaf gave a lecture in which the main focus areas of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the field of the equine sector and the role that veterinarians can play in this was discussed. 

Finally, Dr. Marco de Bruijn took the veterinarians through the diagnosis and management of chronic recurrent colic. On the basis of case studies, diagnostics, first-line therapy and management were discussed.

For Pavo, these evenings were all about the introduction of the new digestive products. These dovetail nicely with Dr. Marco de Bruijn's last lecture. The products were presented and all veterinarians present received a digestive product of their choice to experience for themselves.