Qualified feeding adviser

Internationally available products

For the health of your horse

Our research

for more sustainable horse keeping

What do you think are the biggest poluter?

Small steps matter!

The CO2 footprint of a private individual is only small compared to that of a large company. Nevertheless, it is wise to find out what small things you can change yourself to contribute to a happier. Also we started with small steps to make the change. Because even the small steps matter.

Our researches gave us guidance where to start and which road to follow. Join us on our journey and find out how you can contribute too.

Basics first:

How sustainable is keeping a horse?

Sustainability affects us all and is taking on an ever-increasing role in our society. No industry is exempt from this, including the equine industry. That is why we are a proud partner of a project at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science. Since the equine industry has not been studied much on the topic of sustainability, the students were researching exactly this aspect. 

Go to research

Start feeding more sustainable

The following tips on sustainable horse feeding are provided Dr. Gülsah Kaya Karasu of Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Science.  Next to that we give you tips how Pavo can help you to easier implement those tips with the help of our products. Of course, the more tips you implement, the better it is for the environment. 

PavoPlanetDr. Gülsah Kaya Karasu