Various fertility problems can occur in horses, including hormonal disorders, infections and other health problems. Appropriate feeding and management play a crucial role in maintaining reproductive health in horses. Reproductive supplements can provide essential nutrients, antioxidants and other compounds to support reproductive health and prevent or treat fertility problems.

For a fertile mare

Pavo supplements for breeding mares
Support your breeding mare with Pavo supplements!
- For a fertile mare
- Clearer showing of studliness
- For mares that have difficulties getting pregnant
- Balancer for growing horses and pregnant mares
- To replace concentrates in case of no or low daily concentrate feeding
- Decreases the chance on developing OC(D) up to 50%
- For pregnant and lactating mares
- Supports overall health of the mare
- Decreases the chance on developing OC(D) up to 50%
- For pregnant & lactating mares
- Supports overall health of the mare
- Decreases the chance on OC(D) with 50%

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